Islam is a universal religion. It assures peace and prosperity for the entire creation. Its message of guidance is for all people at all times.
Every age has its own demands and necessities. The present age, which is of science and technology is progressing with the speed of light. Advancements in technology have enabled rapid means of communication. It is necessary to use the same means of communication to present the message of Islam to the whole world, to convince them of its truthfulness, to spread its message of peace and to disseminate the teachings of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).
With these goals in mind, Mufti Syed Ziauddin, Professor, Islamic Jurisprudence, Jamia Nizamia, established Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center on Saturday, 29 December 2007, corresponding to 18 Dhul Hijjah, 1428 Hijri. Its registration number is 501/2008.
Department of Research
To provide an opportunity to Islamic scholars to come together and perform research work in Islamic sciences. A few PhD scholars are being guided in their research work.
Department of Education
To guide the students of Islamic sciences to awaken their true potential and to spread the knowledge of Islam among those who are studying in schools/colleges, etc. r working.
Department of Islamic Jurisprudence
To provide intensive training in Islamic jurisprudence to graduates of Islamic seminaries.
Department of Translation
To translate authentic Islamic literature in various languages. Various books have been translated into English, Telugu and Hindi.
Department of Da’wah
To train the speakers/preachers as to the nuances of Da’wah.
Department of Publication
To publish authentic Islamic literature in various languages. This includes typing, editing, composing, etc.
Some of the topics that have been addressed in these weekly lectures are :
- The standard of manners and etiquette – In light of the Holy Quran and the Hadith
- Islam’s message of peace and harmony
- The month of Safar – What to do and what not to do
- Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf Thani (May Allah shower His mercy on him) and the reformation of the Ummah
- Manners in light of the sacred Seerah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)
- Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) – Life and teachings
- The respect and reverence of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and the customs of the Companions
- Importance of summer holidays
- Rafa’a Yadain – In light of the Hadith of Zujajatul Masabeeh
- Searching for a life partner – The standards of the Shariah
- Remove derelict customs from Nikah
- The intellectual and social services of the founder of Jamia Nizamia, Shaykh Ul Islam Imam Muhammad Anwarullah Farooqui (May Allah shower His mercy on him)
- Suicide – Islamic perspective
- Modern education – Importance and necessity
- The efforts of Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (May Allah be well pleased with him) in promoting Islam
- Homosexuality – A grave sin
- The miracle of Meraj – A mark of greatness
- Imam Azam (May Allah shower His mercy on him) in the opinion of the Hadith-experts
- The excellence of the 15th night of Shabaan
- Responsibility of the teachers and management of Madarsas
- How to lead our lives after Ramadhan
- Importance and authoritativeness of Hadith
- The Hajj of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) – In light of the Hadith
- Necessity of acquiring Islamic knowledge
- Visiting the blessed grave of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) in light of the Holy Quran and Hadith
- The rules of sacrificing animals in the modern context and many more.
After the lecture, there is a question and answer session in which the queries of the audience are answered in light of the Holy Quran and the Hadith. People from the twin cities, especially the students/teachers of various Madarsas attend these lectures.
Every week a new lecture is published in CD/DVD form. Currently 200 CDs/DVDs on diverse topics are available. The weekly lectures are also being live-streamed on the website which is a means of benefit for the whole world.
Apart from these, regular lessons, lectures, etc. are held under the auspices of AHIRC at more than 50 places in the twin cities. Lessons on the Holy Quran and Sahih Bukhari are also being held and hundreds of people benefit from these lessons. Various public lectures in and around the city and in different cities are apart from all this.
For guidance of Muslims, the Publication Department of Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center has published many books on beliefs, theology, personalities of Islam, modern issues, jurisprudential issues and books on various other topics.
These books have been translated into English and Telugu and they are being published in these 3 languages.
To disseminate authentic Islamic information through the speakers and Imams of the mosques, a series of 12 books called “Anwaar-e-Khitaabat” was published, one for each Islamic month. These books have fulfilled a long felt gap in the community. These books have well researched, well referenced authentic Islamic information and guidance for the modern world. The 12 books have Islamic lectures on 50 topics. The whole series runs into 1060 pages.
Topics of Anwaar-e-Khitaabat, month wise
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Muharram): (1) Farooq-e-Azam – Superiority and excellence. (2) The excellence of the Prophet’s Family (May Allah be well pleased with them). (3) Love for the Prophet’s Family. (4) The excellence of Imam Hussain (May Allah be well pleased with him). (5) The message of the New Year.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Safar): (1) The month of Safar – Islamic viewpoint. (2) Relations with non-Muslim compatriots. (3) Raising children on Islamic principles. (4) The distinctive demise of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Rab’ee Ul Awwal): (1) The matchless personage of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). (2) The unique birth of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). (3) The universal message of the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). (4) The first universal declaration of human rights.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Rab’ee Thani): (1) The status of the saints. (2) Remembering Hadhrat Shaykh ‘Abdu Qadir Jilani (May Allah shower His mercy on him). (3) The efforts of the saints in promoting peace and brotherhood. (4) Miracles – In light of the Hadith and Traditions.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Jamadi Ul Awwal): Following the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) – A means of felicity in this world and the hereafter. (2) The economic and social ill-effects of usury. (3) The status of the parents – In light of the Holy Quran and the Hadith. (4) The favors of Hadhrat Shaykh Ul Islam, the founder of Jamia Nizamia (May Allah shower His mercy on him) on the Ummah.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Jamadi Ul Ukhra): (1) The belief in the sealing of Prophethood – In light of the Holy Quran and Hadith. (2) Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (May Allah be well pleased with him) – Superiority and excellence. (3) The golden era of the caliphate of Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (May Allah be well pleased with him). (4) Shariah principles of safeguarding one’s health.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Rajjab): (1) Hadhrat Khwaja Ghareebnawaz (May Allah shower His mercy on him) – Life and teachings. (2) Salaat – Gift of the night of Meraj. (3) The night of Meraj – The conditions of the netherworld. (4) The miracle of Meraj – Secrets and realities.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Sha’abaan): (1) The necessity of Fiqh and the status of Imam Azam. (2) Shab Baraat – Night of forgiveness. (3) Repentance – Excellence and etiquette. (4) Welcoming Ramadhan.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Ramadhan): (1) Fasting – Manifestation of worldly and spiritual benefits. (2) Zakaat – Article of Islam, means of closeness to Almighty Allah. (3) The victory over Makkah – Reasons and results. (4) The superiority and excellence of Hadhrat ‘Ali (May Allah be well pleased with him). (5) Shab Qadr – Excellence and etiquette.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Shawwaal): (1) How to lead our lives after Ramadhan. (2) Hadhrat Ameer Hamza (May Allah be well pleased with him) – Superiority and excellence. (3) Knowledge –Excellence and importance. (4) Fear and consciousness – Means of getting close to Allah.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Dhul Qa’ada): (1) Misuse of electronic media. (2) Hadhrat Khwaja Bandanawaz (May Allah shower His mercy on him)– Life and teachings. (3) Visiting the blessed grave of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) – Excellence and etiquette. (4) Hajj and ‘Umrah – Excellence and blessings.
Anwaar-e-Khitaabat (Dhul Hijjah): (1) Hadhrat Ibraheem (May peace be upon him) – Epitome of patience and dedication. (2) Sacrifice – Great means of attaining Allah’s proximity. (3) Hadhrat ‘Uthman Ghani (May Allah be well pleased with him) – Superiority and excellence. (4) How to save our functions and gatherings from un-Islamic activities.
Muslims in and around the city are drawing great benefit from the speeches, books, DVDs and video clips of the revered Mufti. The demand for these in other cities and states is increasing day by day. Apart from all this, millions of people are drawing benefit through the internet.
Excerpts from Articles, books, Fatawa, lectures, etc. are regularly posted on social networking websites like Facebook and other websites like YouTube and so on. People from various countries receive benefit from this and express their views.
The revered Mufti has launched a bilingual Islamic It is in English and Urdu. It has:
- Well-researched Fatawa in the light of the Holy Quran and the Hadith on Aqaaid (beliefs), Ibadaat (worship), Muamalaat (dealings), Muashirat (social life) and Akhlaaq (Manners and etiquette)
- The lives, beliefs & teachings of the Ahle Bait and the Sahabah.
- The lives, beliefs & teachings of the virtuous people of the Ummah.
- Well-researched books on intellectual, reformative and topics related to belief
- Thought provoking papers on topics of Islamic law.
- Knowledgeable articles on current, burning topics.
- The Shariah ruling on modern and science-related issues.
- Interesting audio and video speeches.
There is a special section entitled, “Muhaddith-e-Deccan Page” in which the priceless writings and speeches of Muhaddith-e-Deccan Hadhrat Abul Hasanaat Syed Abdullah Shah Sahab Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri (May Allah shower His mercy on him) are available.
There is another page, entitled “Shaykh Ul Islam Page” in which the writings of Hadhrat Shaykh Ul Islam Imam Muhammad Anwaarullah Farooqui, the founder of Jamia Nizamia, are available. In Ramadhan, a page, “Ramadhan Special” is launched, which has Hadith about the excellence of Ramadhan, various rules and issues of fasting, rules and issues of Salaat Ul Eid, rules of Zakaat and so on.
In the days of Haj, “Haj Special” is launched which has all the rules and issues of Haj.
By the grace of Allah Most High, apart from the subcontinent, thousands of visitors from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Iran, America, Australia, Spain, Brazil, Thailand, New Zealand, Ireland, Netherland,, Canada, Kuwait, Italy, Bangladesh, UK, Japan, Sweden, Malaysia, Mauritius, Russia, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Morocco, Moldova, Germany, Bermuda, Czechoslovakia, China, France, Lebanon, Finland, Argentina, Syria, Columbia, Slovakia, Denmark, Norway, Greece, Israel, Turkey, Mozambique, Belgium, San Marino, Hungary and many other different countries of the world